Unlock Your Inner Strength

Therapy that helps you overcome the anxiety and stress and build the life you want.

Feeling disconnected and overwhelmed?

For so long, you have let your anxiety dictate your life.  You constantly worry, second guess yourself and have a running monologue in your head telling you that you are not good enough.  You lie awake at night worrying and ruminating about your day and what you should have said or done differently.  The constant anxiety and overwhelm have you reacting in ways that you are not proud of.  You are yelling at your kids, feel disconnected from loved ones or avoiding situations that you want to be a part of.  You feel like you can’t cope and it all seems too much.  You’re not sure where to turn and it feels like no one understands.  It is a constant spiral with no way out.  But there is a way out of this cycle, and I can help.

Finding your calm is possible

I use an individualized, client centered approach to treatment that allows us to take a look at your unique situation and develop a plan tailored to the specific ways that anxiety shows up in your life so that you can feel empowered to take back control of your anxiety and spend your time doing things you love.  I provide you with the cognitive and behavioral tools to be able to apply when life throws challenges your way.

If you are ready to take a look at your thought and behavior patterns and put a stop to their destructiveness, let’s work together and get started on your journey to feeling more in control, happier and more connected.  I am passionate about working with women struggling with anxiety, trauma and parenting.  I will help you develop tools to be able to leave behind the stress, overwhelm and unwanted reactions and move toward the life you want.

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future?

We're here to guide you through that journey.

You deserve a life filled with hope, courage,and resilience. Let's embark on this transformation together.

I am here for you

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward a happier, healthier and more confident you?  Get in touch with me and we can get started.